既ICRT訪問NICO後 我就收到一位久未聯絡朋友的來電
說他剛剛開車聽到DJ預告 即將訪問法國攝影師 Nico (婚紗 婚禮攝影師)
他就在想 會不會是Chialing 的老公呀? 果然是的! My husband!
在台灣應該沒幾位法籍婚禮攝影師吧! 尤其是這麼專業的~ (且這麼帥的! 羞)

他總能夠抓住每一對新人的感覺 即使是需要擺姿勢的婚紗照
都能夠在一種很輕鬆的氛圍下 呈現兩人互動的親密與愛意
常常他都會告訴我 眼神會透露最真的感情 不經意的洩漏最直接的心情

朋友說他沒聽到專訪 很想更了解Nico 也想看看他最近的樣子 (我會照料大家的好奇心 下篇有照片喔)
因為我覺得ICRT的訪問 好像沒有讓大家很了解他跟他的工作 (還有我~~ 呵)
突然好想幫他寫一段採訪稿喔~ 我就請侯主播來採訪他吧 (明明就是自己愛演侯主播 哈哈哈哈 開心開心!!)
她是留學美國的 而我是留英 (我知道你在想甚麼 是留學英國啦!)
所以我可以幫大家翻譯喔 嘻嘻 (對了 其實 常常有人說 我很像宋慧喬呢)

侯主播: How long have you been to Taiwan? (你來台灣有多久了?)

Nico: Well, about 4 years now. (約四年囉)

侯主播: I know you came here because of your beautiful wife- Chialing. (據我所知妳是因為你美麗 大方 知性 又可愛的老婆Chialing來到台灣) 恩 真不愧是聰穎又有眼光的侯主播 多麼有深度的形容詞阿

Nico: Yes, you are right, she is the most amazing woman I have ever known. (是的 他是全世界最最最迷人的女人) 親愛的 親一個! 啵啵啵~~

侯主播: Hum... yes! well.... (無意義的語助詞 在想該如何完成這份挑戰) So what made you stay here and not in France? (為何選擇留在台灣而不是去法國呢?)

Nico: In fact, I traveled to Taiwan twice before I made up my mind. It was such a culture shock for the first two times. Then I grew into the people in Taiwan, they are very friendly and so kind- hearted. It helped me to adapt the differences from Europe. (老實說 我決定來台灣定居前 我來過台灣兩次 我發現我有文化震撼 但我越來越愛台灣的人 他們非常友善 而且心地很善良 這給我很大的力量選擇台灣)
爆料爆料!! 應該我的那句話有影響吧! "若你不來台灣居留 我真不知道該如何繼續這段感情了 " 呵呵 半威脅囉! 黑黑

侯主播: Nice to hear that. back to your profession. Can you tell us about how you fell in love with photography? (很開心聽到你這麼說 現在能否請你談談你是如何開始愛上攝影的)

Nico: My interest with photos started at very young age, because one of my God father was a portrait photographer. I saw him taking great pictures that makes people happy... I must have been inspired by him. (我對攝影的興趣 始於我乾爸是人物攝影師 我在耳濡目染下也愛上了照片帶給人們的快樂)

侯主播: Wow! that must be very influential. I believe we all get effected very much since a child. I love fashion and I can blame it on my Mum. haha, kidding Mum. (哇! 那  一定很有影響力 我認為我們小時候很容易吸收學習 像我超愛流行時尚的 這就可以怪一下媽媽 哈哈 沒啦 開玩笑的 媽!)

Nico: Then, I started as a photographer in the army force in Tahiti, after that I went to London to pursuit further study. In London, I was established as a professional    wedding photographer there.  (我在大溪地當兵的時候就是軍中的御用攝影師 之後我到英國就讀攝影 在倫敦 我開始了專業的婚禮攝影師生涯)
就是這樣認識他美麗大方知性又可愛的老婆阿 當時他幫我的參展作品拍照 就對我ㄧ見鍾情了~~ 呵呵 這 改天再多說!

侯主播: As I know that in Europe, people don't take pre-wedding photos like we do in Taiwan. And they don't hire video recorder. What do you think of this?
  (我們知道 在歐洲是沒有婚紗攝影的這塊 也不會請婚禮錄影 你對這方面的想法如何?)

Nico: You are right, we don't have such thing in France. That's why we value a lot on the wedding day. There are more feelings on the wedding day, family and friends  will be  around you. And also one important thing is that groom are not allowed to see bride's wedding dress before the wedding day. It's more emotional and full of surprises. Therefore the wedding day photographer is extremely important to us.  (在歐洲 我們沒有婚紗攝影 所以我們對婚當天的攝影師很在意 婚裡當天 新郎第一 次看見新娘穿白紗 且很多的朋友跟家人都在身邊給予祝福 所以有許多的感情感動與驚喜 所以攝影師的功力要很高 才能抓住每瞬間的情感)

侯主播: So different and interesting! Let's come back to talk more after the break!  (好不一樣也好有趣喔! 我們廣告回來繼續聊囉)


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