先來一張NICO的獨照吧! 看過他的朋友 應該都知道
他現在更瘦了~ 我已經學好下一頓飯要煮什麼了喔!!
敬請期待 長肉肉後的NICO囉~~

: Welcome back to our live show!  Here we have Nico the wedding photographer with us. (歡迎回到我們現場 我們有婚禮攝影師Nico與我們一起!)

Nico: Hello! this is Nico. (大家好 我是Nico!)

侯主播: We are very curious to know how you and your wife met? Was it in France or in Taiwan? (我們很想知道你跟你美麗大方....的老婆是如何認識的? 是在法國還是台灣呢?) 羞 呵

Nico: We met in London when she was an art student. Once I was asked to take photos for her through a friend to enter a competition. It was love on the first sight for me, she was very beautiful. (我們是在倫敦認識的 當時她是學藝術的學生 有一次朋友請我幫她拍要參加比賽的作品照片 我對她一見鍾情 覺得她好美)

侯主播: So romantic~ I guess she must have many photos taken by you. (好浪漫喔 我想你一定幫她拍很多照片)

Nico: My favorite photographer 'Robert Doisneau' once said that: "you only take good pictures of what you love." It's true! I also feel very lucky to be a wedding photographer. I love people and the interaction with people. And what you love will show on your photo! (我最愛的攝影師曾經說過 "你能夠拍出好照片因為是你愛的東西" 這是真的 我覺得很幸運能夠擔任婚禮攝影師 我喜愛人跟喜愛人與人之間的互動 照片會說話) 對呀 所以我很上相 都是因為NICO拍的喔

侯主播: Yes! you are right. Sometimes we can see an experienced photographer without passion, just doing a daily job. That kind of lost the soul for the photos. So you are very lucky to do what you love! (是的 有時候我們會發現有些很有經驗的攝影師 好像只是做著例行性工作 失去了熱情 照片也失去了靈魂 所以你很幸運你很熱愛你的工作!) 

Nico: I think taking photos is so much fun, specially catching the moments of laughter, sadness, emotions... I love to gives photo an extra touch! And every wedding is so special to every couple, so I just do my very best. (對我來說拍照是很好玩的一件事 尤其是抓住瞬間的感情 開心或難過... 等等 我愛給照片一些不一樣 且每一個婚禮對於每對新人都是最特別的 我就是做到最好!)

侯主播: I am sure there are many interesting stories! Give us an example. (我想應該有很多有趣的故事你可以跟我們分享 給我們一個例子吧)

Nico: I went to a wedding of the same family, and see the photos I took from other weddings in the frames on their display. I feel 'touched'. They treasure the photos, and somehow I am recording the history for the family. (也一個婚禮是我拍過同一個家族的第四還是第五的婚禮 我看見他們將我之前拍的照片擺放在客廳裡展示 我知道我在為整個家族記錄歷史) 爆料! 爆料! 有一次Nico在教堂裡拍照 牧師在講完一段後 問在場所有來賓 有異議的要現在提出 不然就永遠都不能說 此時現場一片沉寂 動一下都會被聽到 遠在台灣的我ㄧ定有感應到NICO現在很無聊 所以 他的手機唱起歌來~~ hello Moto! 嘟嘟嘟嘟 .... Nico 超 超 超級尷尬的~ 都是我太會算時間了啦~ 哈哈

侯主播: Wow~ It's been so nice to talking to you. I still have so much questions to ask. Hope to see you soon! byebye (很開心跟你聊天 我還有很多問題要問你喔 下次見)

Nico: See you! Au voir! (再見~)

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