As a husband I shall have the privilege of being the first guest on my wife's blog!
身為老公的我 應有這樣的榮幸當第一位老婆部落格上的貴賓 

I have been waiting some time for this, wondering about what I may say and I how I should say it. I thought I would just give you my own blog address as I'm a little jealous that more of you guys visit her blog in a day that mine in a week! 我期待很久了 一直再想要寫什麼 我很想直接給大家我的部落格 因為我很吃醋你們大家每天來看他的人比我一個禮拜的人還多 
(佳玲碎碎念:真的很在意耶~ 哈哈哈 

I thought I could also entertain you about relationships, and the very little I know about it, so it wouldn't be too long... but you probably know more than I do!
 我原本想要用我對感情的觀感來娛樂大家 但我懂的太少了 所以短短幾句就沒了 而且你們應該都懂得比我多

An article about photography wouldn't make sense here, I have my own blog for that, she asked not to write any blue jokes either, well then there's very little more I'm an expert at...  如果寫我最擅長的攝影 又好像很不搭這個部落格性質 加上我老婆要求我不要寫黃色笑話 這樣我能寫的東西就已經少之又少了 (佳玲碎碎念:怎麼還沒進入主題呀 不好意思 藝術人都比較隨興一點 

So instead I will talk to you about her. She appeared in my life a few years ago, and changed it a lot, a beautiful lot. The chances where pretty thin that the two of us would ever meet, she grew up in Taiwan and I did in the south of France and somehow we met in London. We now live in Taipei. Life has taken me a long way from where I started, consider myself lucky, extremely lucky to have found her. 那我來談我的吧 她幾年前出現在我的生命裡 然後就改變了我很多 是美麗的改變 我們能夠遇到的機會很低 她成長在台灣 我在南法 我們卻在倫敦相遇 現在我們住在台北 人生把我帶離開始的地方很遠 我覺得自己是幸運的 超級幸運能夠在茫茫人海裡找到她 
(佳玲碎碎念:知道就好 以後我生氣時 你要記得 你很幸運喔!

It happens sometimes that  I just freeze and stare around me, wondering if it's really me there. It's a strange feeling, but I know why I'm here, because I love her and that's the most important to me, for me home is where she is. 有時候 我會覺得自己好像凍結在這個時空裡 看看周遭 懷疑這是否真的是我在這裡 這種感覺很奇妙 但我很清楚我為什麼在這裡 因為我愛她 對我來說這是最重要的事 她在的地方就是我的家

I hope that every one of you is or will be as lucky to find the right person as I have been. 我希望大家都能夠像我一樣幸運 找到屬於自己的 對的人

Love and be loved, it's the most beautiful thing in life. 人生最美的事 就是愛與被愛~ (真的 

Nico 威佑

(佳玲補充說明:我一直以為他會來個搞笑版的開始 結果居然這麼溫馨啦~ 所以 我會再度邀請他 規定他要讓大家發笑! 敬請期待喔~~ )


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